We need update the maven POM file to use "vaadin-spring" library which supports to integrate Vaadin into Spring framework. And the important here that we need to change a bit on web.xml. Ensure that there is no mapping conflict beetwen CXF and Vaadin servlets. The mapping for CXF servlet to change as below:
The mapping for Vaadin servlet to be done by the annotation "WebServlet" in file MyUIServlet.java.
Also we need to add a new directory "VAADIN" to webapp which keeps the static resources for Vaadin. Resources in VAADIN directory is extrct from Vaadin jars as "vaadin-server", "vaadin-client-compiled",...
Also, a new package "vaadin.view" is created for Vaadin.
To show the web ui, access to URL:
To show the web services, access to URL:
I have used vaadin7 and gwt. This post gave me some more knowledge. Thank you for posting.